Summertime Adventures
What an Adventure!
At the beginning of June our oldest (Jed) turned 13. We were also sick with the summer cold. So June turned into a celebration month where we had the privilege of celebrating Jedidiah. For the build up to his 13th year we had given him some special tasks to complete as he transitions into manhood. One of the 12 things we had for him was to memorize James chapter 1. He did and we all joined in on the process. It really does help to have others around you saying scripture and memorizing with you. At the end of Jed's tasks, Jeff took him up on a special camping trip to mark the completion of these tasks. Afterward we took him to a special dinner. We know that our time raising these young men is passing fast. We are enjoying the time we have with each of them, even in the challenges, remembering it is only for a season, so its precious time together.
As for the house, after 20 days on the market and during the crazy and very messy packing day, we had a couple stop by and ask about our house. We had been faithful to keep a clean and orderly house up to this point, but with a moving date 3 days away, our house was a wreck. However, we had absolute peace about showing it to this couple for some reason, so we did. A day later we received a call that they were making an offer. Early Tuesday morning before we hit the road, we signed a contract for our house. Everyday we are seeing over and over that God’s timing isn’t our timing, but it is perfect timing. Our house was at it’s absolute worst and yet the people loved it. I think so many times I work so hard to keep our house (our lives as well) perfect, because we think that it is absolutely necessary, but the Lord isn’t asking us to have it all together all the time with this facade of perfection. He is asking us to be open, vulnerable and trusting Him to work in and out of our lives. It was humbling to have someone come through my house and see all our mess, and yet out of that moment of humility, the Lord showed us that it is his timing, bringing the right person, for the right amount which was exactly our prayer when we decided to put the house on the market. We prayed specifically that the Lord would bring the right person at the right time and sell it for the right amount that we need to take the next step. We are extremely thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness in our lives. Often though we are having to take a step of faith into the call to “go”, before we see how it will all come together. This picture is seen in Joshua 3:14-16 as the Israelite's trusted God and stepped into the Jordan to get to the promise land. They had to step into the water before the Lord stopped the waters flow giving them a place to walk on the riverbed. Trusting the Lord is being willing to lean in even when we can’t see the outcome, because we believe He is good and is faithful to take care of us as we obey Him.
We will be heading back to Oregon in 2 weeks to finish cleaning out the house and spend some time camping with Jeff’s extended family. We are looking forward to the time we get to spend with those around us, which is constantly changing since we are traveling so much. We treasure each of you and the time we have together.
We will be officially done with working with Eagle Creek as of the 20th of July. when Jeff will close out 20+ years working in the Outdoor Ind. This is a huge step for us, but we know that as we move forward, we need to put our energy and focus on finishing up classes and the preparation to leave. Sounds weird to say, but we only have 12 weeks left. We are trusting the Lords plan in preparation, finance, and relationships as we walk forward. We are so thankful for those the Lord has brought into our lives to encourage and hold us up.
Thank you.
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