The Eve of Change

This week has been full. Really full. We have had garage sales and out of town family visitors. It's been good. Really good. We are enjoying moments here and there that we can be still because frankly, we are busy. We are sorting, packing, selling,  and sharing some items that we have had an enjoyed these past few years. But now, as we are looking forward to leaving, we are being selective on what we will save and store and what we will simply give away.

A few weeks ago, I asked for help because I know I am in deep. Sorting and and trying to pull together a garage sale was simply over my head and what I found is that being willing to ask for help, enabled others to join in on the process and bless us in the helping. It really shouldn't be a big deal, but often I feel like I can do it, or I should be able to do it myself and it's hard to ask for help. I felt loved by my my sister in law and friends who rallied so readily around us and blessed us by helping us put on a huge sale day.

This last week we have been in full scale house prep to get it ready to put on the market. This is just another step toward preparing to leave.  As you can imagine, we have lived in this yellow house for 11 years and there are things that have not been touched up or moved. That being said, cleaning has been in full swing and the house is feeling lighter and brighter, especially with less stuff sitting around. Cheri, Mandy's sister stopped in and helped paint some furniture to spruce things up and I'm wondering why it took us so long to do that.

Here we are at the end of a full week and June 1st, the boy who made me a Momma for the first time, turns 13. Jed has completed the challenging tasks we set before him to complete during the year this last year(during his 12th year) and Saturday we will celebrated him becoming a man. We are so proud of him and we really enjoy spending time with him and the young man he has become. I am feeling blessed. Tired, but blessed.

This weekend we celebrated Jed and had an opportunity to share about Kenya with our church for Global Outreach Weekend. Praying for more opportunities to share about what the Lord is doing in Kenya, in us and and how he is caring providing for the Dorobo people. 
